Are you looking for some great readings? You just found it!

Enjoy this!

Who is an Ethnographer? by Idris Mootee

Ethnography is hot. Many are quick to claim that they do ethnography by observing people. It is like saying anyone who drives a taxi in NY is a screenwriter. Or anyone who knows how to operate a camera can be a photojournalist

Apple iPad and Google Buzz: Harsh Reality of Innovation by Hutch Carpenter

Nothing like putting your heart and soul in an innovation, and then getting this:

Innovation tip – look for remote as well as local opportunities by Paul Sloane

Most businesses look for new opportunities in obvious places, adjacent to their current position. They typically ask two questions:

Innovation Case: Creating A World Class Innovation Unit by Stefan Lindegaard

A global and well-respected company in a fast-growing industry wants to set up a new innovation unit. Their current innovation efforts are technology-driven but there is a growing understanding that innovation efforts need to focus beyond technology and R&D.

The Golden Age of Innovation – Newsweek via Ralph-Ohr

Despite stereotypes of entrepreneurs as fresh-faced youngsters, new research has found that older workers are more likely to innovate than their under-35 counterparts.

Leadership from the Inside Out — Part II by Gary Hamel

In my previous post, I introduced you to Drew Williams. For seven years Drew served as assistant vicar at St. Andrews, an Anglican parish in Chorleywood, England. When he arrived in 2003, Drew found a church that was big but not growing, and a congregation that was loyal but not energized. Mark Stibbe, head vicar at St. Andrews, challenged Drew to develop a plan that would change this.

Watch the disruptors, not the incumbents by by Tom Hulme

If you want to turn a competitor’s advantage into a weakness, start by widening your sources of inspiration

Needs-Based Innovation Reigns Businessweek via Jorge Barba

Companies should adopt an innovation process based on customer needs rather than coming up with “big” ideas and then testing them out. Pro or con?

Ten More Great Free e-Books for Innovators by Tim Kastelle

On Christmas Day last year, I posted a list of ten great free e-books for innovators. Today isn’t as festive, but I have another ten great free e-books that can help you become more innovative. Connecting ideas is the fundamental creative act in innovation, and one of the ways to do this is to read widely in order to gain exposure to a wide variety of ideas. This is a list of great resources that will help you do precisely that.

Have a nice week!

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